Historick? ?stav SAV
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Historický ústav SAV
ISSN 1335-8316
?asopis je jedn?m z n?strojov organizovania historickej vedy a spr?tom?ovania jej v?sledkov ?ir?ej vedeckej obci. Je otvoren? v?etk?m n?zorom, smerom, ?kol?m a tematick?m okruhom, pokia? ...sa opieraj? o v??ne b?danie a s? spracovan? v zhode so z?kladn?mi princ?pmi historickej vedy. Programovo nepreferuje ?iadne obdobie, t?my ?i v?seky dej?n. Je ?asopisom v?etk?ch historikov, ktor? sa zaoberaj? slovensk?mi dejinami a v?etk?ch slovensk?ch historikov, ktor? sk?maj? ?i u? slovensk? alebo stredoeur?pske dejiny.
Čítať viac...A r t i c l e s
? t e f ? n i k, Martin: The Morosinis in Hungary under King Andrew III and the two versions of the death of the Queen of Hungary Tommasina 3
P i c h l e r, Tibor: Nation, nationalities, state: On the politics of ethnic enthusiasm 17
V ? r ? s, L?szl?: The social representations of the Slovaks in the north Hungarian Magyar Regional Press in the Years 1914 ? 1918 41
H a l l o n, ?udov?t: The role of the commercial banks in Aryanization in Slovakia, 1939 ? 1945 75
L o n d ? k, Miroslav: The views of Slovak economists on the economic position of Slovakia at the turn of the years 1967/1968 93
H u d e k, Adam: The Attempt to Construct a Marxist master narrative in the Period 1948 ? 1955 111
R e v i e w s
D v o ? ? k o v ?, Daniela: Horse and Man in the Middle Ages (Martin ?tef?nik) 133
D a n g l, Vojtech: The Army and Society around 1900 (Roman Holec) 137
K r a j ? o v i ? o v ?, Nat?lia: Emil Stodola (Matej Hanula) 140
H o l e c, Roman ? H a l l o n, ?udov?t: The Tatra banka in the Mirror of History (Franti?ek Chudj?k) 143
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