Historick? ?asopis 05/2016
Revue o dejin?ch spolo?nosti


Historick? ?stav SAV



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Historický ústav SAV


ISSN 0018-2575

?asopis je jedn?m z n?strojov organizovania historickej vedy a spr?tom?ovania jej v?sledkov ?ir?ej vedeckej obci. Je otvoren? v?etk?m n?zorom, smerom, ?kol?m a tematick?m okruhom, pokia? ...sa opieraj? o v??ne b?danie a s? spracovan? v zhode so z?kladn?mi princ?pmi historickej vedy. Programovo nepreferuje ?iadne obdobie, t?my ?i v?seky dej?n. Je ?asopisom v?etk?ch historikov, ktor? sa zaoberaj? slovensk?mi dejinami a v?etk?ch slovensk?ch historikov, ktor? sk?maj? ?i u? slovensk? alebo stredoeur?pske dejiny.

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A r t i c l e s

K o l l ? r o v ?, Ivona: Freedom of the press in Hungarian Late Enlightenment discourse  785

M a c h o, Peter: ?He flew on wings of Slavonic feeling to Serbia to help the Serbs in 1915?. The symbolic instrumentalization of M.R. ?tef?nik and Slavonic community against the background of the inter-state relations of the time  809

K o v ? ?, Du?an: How Europe Went to War in 1914  845

B e n k o, Juraj: The Hungarian communist exiles and their activities in the years 1919?1921  873

? t e f a n s k ?, Michal: Gust?v Hus?k ? First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (1969?1970)  899


R e v i e w s

D v o ? ? k o v ?, Daniela et al.: People and the animal world in the Middle Ages (J?n Steinh?bel)  917

B y s t r i c k ?, Peter: The dog in the mythology, religion and folklore of antiquity and the Middle Ages (J?n Steinh?bel)  924

H l a v a ? k o v ?, Miriam: George of Sch?nberg. Provost of Bratislava in the service of Emperor and King (J?n Luka?ka)  930

New volumes in the series of comprehensive works on Slovakia in the 20th century

F e r e n ? u h o v ?, Bohumila ? Z e m k o, Milan (eds.): In Inter-war Czechosloviakia 1918?1939; H r a d s k ?, Katar?na ? K a m e n e c, Ivan (eds.): The Slovak republic of 1939?1945 (Igor Baka)  933