Historick? ?asopis 05/2012
vedeck? ?asopis o dejin?ch Slovenska a strednej Eur?py


Historick? ?stav SAV



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Historický ústav SAV


ISSN 0018-2575

?asopis je jedn?m z n?strojov organizovania historickej vedy a spr?tom?ovania jej v?sledkov ?ir?ej vedeckej obci. Je otvoren? v?etk?m n?zorom, smerom, ?kol?m a tematick?m okruhom, pokia? ...sa opieraj? o v??ne b?danie a s? spracovan? v zhode so z?kladn?mi princ?pmi historickej vedy. Programovo nepreferuje ?iadne obdobie, t?my ?i v?seky dej?n. Je ?asopisom v?etk?ch historikov, ktor? sa zaoberaj? slovensk?mi dejinami a v?etk?ch slovensk?ch historikov, ktor? sk?maj? ?i u? slovensk? alebo stredoeur?pske dejiny.

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A r t i c l e s

D v o ? ? k o v ?, Daniela: Nicholas of Sz?cs?ny and Salg? ? an exceptional man at the court of Sigismund of Luxembourg (A contribution to the court culture and functioning of the court of the King of Hungary at the beginning of the 15th century)  3

D u c h o ? o v ?, Diana: ?We are pleased to expect you on this joyful day...?. Weddings as an important part of family festivities of the Esterh?zys in the first half of the 17th century  19

J a n u r a, Tom??: Nepotism in the administration of the County of Liptov in the 18th century  43

H u d e k, Adam: The Slovak Academy of Sciences and Arts in the years 1945 ? 1952  67

P e ? e k, Jan: The Communist Party of Slovakia 1945 ? 1948. Membership, organization, leadership, party apparatus, relationship to the Communist Party of Czecho-slovakia  97


R e v i e w s

T e i c h, Mikul?? ? K o v ? ?, Du?an ? B r o w n, Martin D.: Slovakia in History (Adam Hudek)  121

D u d e k o v ?, Gabriela et al.: On the Road to the Modern Woman. Chapters from the History of Gender Relations in Slovakia (Ivan Kamenec)  124

P e t r u f, Pavol: The Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic 1939 ? 1945 (Dagmar ?ierna-Lantayov?)  127

T i s o, Jozef. Speeches and Articles. Vol. I (1913 ? 1938), Vol. II (1938 ? 1944), Vol. III (1944 ? 1947). Editors: Miroslav Fabricius, Katar?na Hradsk?, Ladislav Su?ko (Milan Zemko) 131