Historick? ?asopis 05/2018
vedeck? ?asopis o dejin?ch Slovenska a strednej Eur?py


Historick? ?stav SAV



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Historický ústav SAV


ISSN 0018-2575

?asopis je jedn?m z n?strojov organizovania historickej vedy a spr?tom?ovania jej v?sledkov ?ir?ej vedeckej obci. Je otvoren? v?etk?m n?zorom, smerom, ?kol?m a tematick?m okruhom, pokia? ...sa opieraj? o v??ne b?danie a s? spracovan? v zhode so z?kladn?mi princ?pmi historickej vedy. Programovo nepreferuje ?iadne obdobie, t?my ?i v?seky dej?n. Je ?asopisom v?etk?ch historikov, ktor? sa zaoberaj? slovensk?mi dejinami a v?etk?ch slovensk?ch historikov, ktor? sk?maj? ?i u? slovensk? alebo stredoeur?pske dejiny.

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A r t i c l e s

? t e f ? n i k, Martin: The Exporting of Copper from eastern Slovakia to western Europe in the first third of the 14 th century  785

K o l l ? r o v ?, Ivona: The secret book trade after the outbreak of the Great French Revolution. Symptoms of the latent history of communication  815

M a c h o, Peter: The historical micro-narrative as an Instrument in the formation of collective identity and memory. The symbolic and ideological dimension of the visit of ?t?r?s group to J?n Holl? at Dobr? Voda  849

S z a b ?, Miloslav: ?For God and Nation? Catholicism and the Far-Right in the Central European Context (1918?1945)  885

F i a m o v ?, Martina: The preparation and course of the land reform in Slovakia, 1939?1945  901


R e v i e w s

H u d ? ? e k, Pavol: Castrum Salis. The northern frontier of the Kingdom of Hungary around the year 1000 (J?n Steinh?bel)  933

D u c h o ? o v ?, Diana: The Palatine Nicholas Esterh?zy. The Court Community and Aristocratic Everyday Life (Viliam ?i?aj)  937

D r ? b i k, Jakub: Fascist. The story of Sir Oswald Mosley (Martin Posch)  939

D u d e k o v ?, Gabriela ? M a n n o v ?, Elena: The soldier among civilians, the civilian among soldiers. The army and society in the age of modernization (Mar?na Zavack?)  941

M i c h ? l e k, Slavom?r: Rivals and Partners of the Cold Era (Michal ?tefansk?)  945