Historick? ?asopis 05/2015
vedeck? ?asopis o dejin?ch Slovenska a strednej Eur?py


Historick? ?stav SAV



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Historický ústav SAV


ISSN 0018-2575

?asopis je jedn?m z n?strojov organizovania historickej vedy a spr?tom?ovania jej v?sledkov ?ir?ej vedeckej obci. Je otvoren? v?etk?m n?zorom, smerom, ?kol?m a tematick?m okruhom, pokia? ...sa opieraj? o v??ne b?danie a s? spracovan? v zhode so z?kladn?mi princ?pmi historickej vedy. Programovo nepreferuje ?iadne obdobie, t?my ?i v?seky dej?n. Je ?asopisom v?etk?ch historikov, ktor? sa zaoberaj? slovensk?mi dejinami a v?etk?ch slovensk?ch historikov, ktor? sk?maj? ?i u? slovensk? alebo stredoeur?pske dejiny.

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A r t i c l e s

B y s t r i c k ?, Peter: The image of the werewolf in medieval literature  787

? o l t ? s, Peter: Confessionally mixed marriages. Legal norms and social practice in the Kingdom of Hungary up to 1848  813

D u d e k o v ?, Gabriela: The System of Social Care in 19th Century Bratislava and its Modernization around 1900  847

F e r e n ? u h o v ?, Bohumila: The Re-Militarization of the Rhineland on 7 March 1936: A Question of Frontiers and International Security (also) in Central Europe  877

H a l l o n, ?udov?t ? S c h v a r c, Michal: Ideas, reality and the international context of the social state in the Slovak Republic of 1939-1945  901


R e v i e w s

D a n g l, Vojtech ? B y s t r i c k ?, Valeri?n et al.: Chronology of the history of Slovakia and the Slovaks. From earliest times to the present (Ivona Koll?rov?, Stanislav Sikora)  939

K o w a l s k ?, Eva: On Distant Roads, in Foreign Lands. The Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions of Confessional Exile from Hungary in the 17th Century (Viliam ?i?aj) 942

B y s t r i c k ?, Valeri?n: The international political context of the origin of the Slovak state on 14 March 1939 (Pavol Petruf) 944

Slovak ? German Relations 1938 ? 1941 in Documents I.; Slovak ? German Relations 1941 ? 1945 in Documents II. (Martina Fiamov?)  948

K o v ? ?, Du?an et al.: A History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Miroslav Tibor Morovics) 950